A rare “honey moon” & summer solstice on June 20th

On June 20, 2016, the Full Moon appears on the same night as the summer solstice! It’s a rare event that has not happened for 68 years since 1948! We call it a “honey Moon”.


So what is so special about the summer solstice and a full moon occurring on the same day? Let’s look at the astronomy first which shares with us these dynamic duo energies will produce visible in-your-face consequences. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year with the most minutes of sunshine and the midday Sun is the year’s highest. The sun rises at its leftmost spot on the horizon and sets at its rightmost position. The setting sun reflects into windows at a unusual angle causing items to be more “illuminated” than at any other time!  The Sun’s path across the sky makes its longest and most curvy arc.

Then you have the full Moon. By landing exactly on the solstice, this full Moon doesn’t just rise as the Sun sets but is opposite the Sun in all other ways too.
The Sun gets super high so this Moon must be super-low. This forces its light through thicker air, which also tends to be humid this time of year, and the combination typically makes it amber colored or also called a “Honey Moon”.  The moment of the full Moon will occur early Monday morning however it will look equally full on Sunday and Monday nights. You will get two chances to enjoy this Solstice Honey Moon!

So what opportunities are being presented for our personal ascension and evolution under this powerful rare event?

 With the positioning of the sun and increased hours of sunlight we are receiving some very powerful incoming solar ray’s to activate more of our personal ascension and expansion resulting in more illumination of our soul light and true self! As we go inside ourselves through the act of meditation, prayer or contemplation and connect with our own divine soul light we open ourselves to receive more integration of light. 

We can also choose to “re-set” our path setting a new timeline of manifesting our dreams, visions and highest goals for our life. We can tap into the powerful cosmic forces that are presenting themselves for us to use in manifesting new opportunities for improving our lives and those we love. These powerful light beams are providing us with rare creation energies which are speeding up our manifestation abilities. We are starting to wake up and remember that we are powerful co-creators with Divine Source.

How will you use these powerful creation energies in your life?  Have you taken the time to really get clear about what you want to manifest in your life now? Now is the time to make any adjustments about what you want to create in your life so you are creating what your heart and soul desire for your life. Look at every area of your life including your beliefs, ways of being that do not serve you anymore, your thinking patterns that are limiting you or causing you to go into fear or resistance. Is your job or career  still full-filling you and do they bring you joy? How about your relationships are they supportive and respectful of you? What about your physical home and living space does it provide a comfortable, uplifting and inspiring space for you to live? Are your clothes or hairstyle the image that really fits your true authentic expression? 

And what about the energies of the full Moon?

The full moon is a time of positive opportunity if you use it correctly. It can increase your positive energy or conversely, it can wreak havoc on your emotions.  

Since the full moon pours down a tremendous amount of energy, you must be in a calm state of mind to receive a positive effect. Remember that whatever is going on in your body, mind and spirit will be amplified by the powerful Moon energies. Refrain from watching the news or looking at violent movies or TV shows or getting into an argument with someone. Avoid negative people, places or events that are living from a “fear-base” perspective during the time of the full Moon.

So, your opportunity during these 2 special days and rare event is to stay open and in the flow of the cosmic energies so they can work for your evolution expanding your light field to create more health, abundance, joy, happiness, prosperity and creative flow for your dreams to become real now! Will you open to receive your special blessing of light from our Divine Creator and claim your new dream life?  I hope you will! I say bring on the new adventures mate! Let’s roll!