Moving From Loss Into Love


There is hope there is always hope dear one! Your feelings of loss are gaps in your consciousness awareness in the material plane for growth opportunity to fill  this gap with the purity of your own being of unconditional love is ever present for you at all times! You do not always remember this truth and we are here to remind you that you are Love and you are always “loved”.  This eternal truth is holding you now in this present moment and every moment  of your existence.  Go deeper within your own heart to excavate more of this feeling into your life.  Fill your cup so that eternal love flows throughout your physical being in every moment is felt more deeply filling any gaps you uncover.  Be the investigator of your own life seeking to uncover more of your own truth to bring it fully into your physical experience on this Earth plane. Wrap yourself in the timeless NOW of this immense love you are in truth! Open your sacred heart portal to experience the higher vibration of Love in the fifth dimension. You are ready now to become your  ascended self and walk in your vehicle of Love and Light your new crystalline state and light body! 

We are your Ascended Masters and we Love you eternally!

Channelled by Laura Hosford on November 22, 2016


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