Sacred Prayer of Light Meditation For New Earth Angel


“Sacred Prayer of Light For New Earth Angel”

Channelled by Laura Hosford with ArchAngel Metatron

One Hour Audio Meditation and Prayer

Call to All Light Masters & Earth Angels!

Ignite your new timeline of co-creation with Heaven and your Higher Self for your next 9 year cycle into co-creating your new life based on LOVE and not fear. It is time to claim your divine sovereign light and launch your divine mission and purpose work into the world.

As we come together in sacred circle and ceremony I will teach you a new powerful quantum prayer that aligns you with the 5th dimensional energies so you can begin your new life in alignment with your souls purposes and achieve your greatest destiny.

Experience the power of 5th DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM PRAYER

* Expand your Lightbody and personal consciousness

* Shift out of Fear into a Love vibration

* Align with your HIgher Self & Divine Angelic Teams

* Experience the 5th Dimensional energies



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