Goddess Vision Board Class


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Do you hear the clarion call master dream creators? This is your opportunity to receive a boost of support from the Universe to jump-start your new dream life path as we learn to co-create with the new Divine Feminine energies of 2019!

  Jumpstart your next 7 year cycle and create your own Garden of Eden through alignment with your divine blueprint.  The Universe wants to support you in creating your hearts desires and dreams! The new Golden Age of Aquarius is about “creative expression”! What will you create in your new life?

We send a powerful and clear message to the Universe to activate our biggest dreams and visions when we combine these 5 powerful keys: Clear Vision, Action, Cosmic Heart Power, Focused Intention and Gratitude!

In this fun and interactive workshop I will teach you how to open and connect with your Souls Records and along with your own intuition and imagination you will create your Garden of the Goddess adventure map for 2019!

What will I receive from taking this class?


*Experience the power of the Souls Records for guiding your unique path to live your dream life providing you guidance, information and insights!

*Choose your own personal Goddess and engage her energy for support, strength, guidance and empowerment.

*Invite your Higher Self,  Support Team of Masters, Angels and Guides to align with your intentions for manifestation guided process.

*Clear action steps to launch and begin manifestation of your dream life now of living in more joy and abundance!

*Create your personal vision board/dream map to anchor in your vision!

*Receive a powerful Prayer and your action step guide!

*Experience a powerful clearing exercise to help you remove resistance to taking action steps to create your dream life!



Date: Saturday, January 26th 2019

Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm EST

Location: Atlanta, GA

OR via Zoom Video Conference 




Dream Map Class


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