Welcome to your new multidimensional world of magic and miracles!


Hello Earth Angels!

I hope your week is flowing with much light, joy ease and grace in your world! The experiences that we are all living through each day are truly unprecedented in this world!

In my own life I have experienced many miracles and blessings increasing since last September when I completed the balancing of all my personal karma. My inner world began to shift and expand in multidimensional consciousness at an accelerated rate never before experienced. As my higher self continued to merge with all my energy bodies and my light body expanded I began to have incredible life changing experiences unfold.

It all started when in September, 2016 I downloaded several new prayers of light from my divine guidance team Lord Metatron, St. Germaine and ArchAngel Michael. I had already been told by my Higher Self I would be receiving my own prayer to open the Akashic Records and for teaching classes. This new prayer I call “ New Sacred Prayer of Light “ showed up on September 12, 2016. As the prayers continued to download through me I began using them on myself to experience their healing energies. Over several months of use I experienced the power of their energies as I expanded my own light body and shifted into higher levels of consciousness. I was receiving light codes embedded in the prayers to heal my Soul DNA and help release dense energies, identify and shift old patterns of being and integrate lost aspects of my Soul.  These internal shifts came easily and with grace in working with the “light of higher consciousness” as I released long held energies of fear, anxiety and self-doubt and began to experience more inner states of peace, compassion and confidence. These prayers of light were blessing me with many small miracles every day!

Then in November, 2016 I travelled to New Mexico to visit my friend Gwendolyn. On the very first day after my arrival Gwendolyn said she had received a channelled message that we were to open my new “Sacred Prayer of Light” to open my Akashic Records for a special journey. We had barely opened the prayer when I was being taken on a sacred journey to the “Halls of Amenti”.  As, I watched the movie in my mind’s eye my body responded with the integrations of my oversoul aspects into my energy bodies. Serapis Bay had greeted us (Gwendolyn was with me) as we entered the ceremonial hall. He was there to guide the process of each Ascended Master that would come before me with a message before integrating their energy with my Soul.  It was all quite surreal at the time however I knew it was “real” because with each integration I would see, hear and feel each new ascended master energy being downloaded.  The purpose of these higher level over-soul aspects integrating with my energy bodies was to give me the gifts I required to complete my divine mission for the next phase of my spiritual path.

In January, 2017 I was guided to create the “7 Sacred Prayers of Light” my first Ebook in so that others could receive healing transformation and blessings.  I began to use the prayers in my sessions with clients and the monthly prayer meditations.

Then in March, 2017 I taught my first Akashic Records Certification Class using the New Sacred Prayer of Light. Wow, I was blown away by the shifts and experiences that came forth in the class it was quite amazing to witness.   I felt so deeply blessed in my heart.

As my journey continued onward I was called to make a special trip to the country of France this past June.  Travelling to France was not something I had even thought about doing.  Once again my higher self and soul were guiding me onto a sacred journey to reclaim my true self, my “I AM” presence and walk the path of an Ascended Master. As, I walked the country of France and reconnected with the “bones” of my former past lifetimes my soul wisdom, knowledge and gifts of the spirit were being returned to me!  

The miracles and blessings that have continued to pour into my own life over the past year are perhaps beyond any logical human belief or explanation. I can only say that in my “heart of hearts” I know these experiences to be of the highest truth and have forever changed my reality on Earth.  My life will never be the same going forward because “returning to my truth” has shown me that I AM Love and Light and nothing will ever change this truth!

I hope my sharing will give you the courage to follow your heart as it truly knows the way home back to the truth of you! Your Soul is calling you home Earth Angel what are you waiting for? It is your choice, what do you choose?

Laura Hosford





4 thoughts on “Welcome to your new multidimensional world of magic and miracles!

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  2. I loved your post ! I read your blog fairly often and you always come up with gret stuff !

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    Keep up the good work !

    • Laura Hosford

      Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed this post! Have a blessed day!

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