
The Empowered Empath Series – Embody Your Divine Feminine

Original price was: $222.00.Current price is: $111.00.


Join me for a divine feminine retreat along with Mary Magdalene and other Divine Feminine Ascended Masters to immerse yourself in divine feminine bliss for the next 28 days. Experience a deeper connection with your inner divine feminine Goddess. Walk with your Ascended Master Sisters to receive mentorship and support for your personal journey to wholeness and sacred embodiment. Receive class activations, attunement’s, channeled messages and Mother healing for your soul.

A Four Week Healing Masterclass To Ignite Your Divine Feminine Frequency!

Receive direct mentorship and daily guidance from  Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Green Tara and Quan Yin. These Ascended Master Goddess’s want to support your next level of soul embodiment assisting your personal journey of healing your divine feminine and moving towards living in unity consciousness. 

In this four week healing master class you will be personally guided by four Divine Feminine Ascended Masters as they help you to remember and reconnect with your inner Goddess Self. Learn the Seven Sacred Principles to create a new inner foundation of balanced living in wholeness as you merge your divine feminine and masculine energies awakening your inner Goddess. Praying at your special alter space in daily ceremony you reconnect with the loving energies of each Master as they give you special messages of love and guidance for your journey!

A daily guided PDF is included for your special journey of reunion.


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