Spring Equinox Angelic Prayer & Fasting Detox Healing


Join me for a special (3) day Angelic Fasting Detox Prayer Circle retreat with Mother Mary, Angels, Archangels and other Ascended Masters to immerse yourself in a sacred healing circle of divine feminine light and unconditional love activation. As we resurrect our spiritual mind, our womb/dan tien centers merge as one filled light raising our consciousness and strengthens our resolve for your highest evolution into 2020.

The most important relationship on earth is your relationship with your inner self and the inner marriage between your feminine and masculine energies. The extent to which you heal yourself and come to union within is the extent to which you can heal all of your external relationships.

As we purify, meditate and fast we can open to receive deeper insights from our Sacred Angelic Self through the journaling process guiding us into areas of reflection for positive change and transformation setting a strong foundation of love, self-compassion and respect.

Experience a deeper connection with your Angelic Goddess Self. Receive daily prayer support, activations, attunements and Mother healing for your soul. Receive your (3) day Fasting Detox Prayer Angel Kit. Ask your questions and receive channelled messages.

*Align your vibration with Divine Love through embodying your Divine Feminine nature you ignite your passion and radiant presence of unlimited prosperity flow!

*Remove faulty patterns in your Soul DNA to finally break free of your “victim consciousness timeline” to create your new 5th dimensional prayer of Heaven On Earth.

*Learn a new Angelic Prayer Blessing for creating unlimited opportunities for manifesting more prosperity, abundance and happiness.

*Release and heal deeply held trauma and integrate your lost Soul Aspects expanding your light vibration and embodying more personal empowerment.

We will meet together for guided group prayer healing and channelled support for 3 consecutive days to support your ascension embodiment of new light codes toward embodiment of your Christos-Sophia Divine Human Angelic Goddess Self. 


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