Akashic Records Earth Angel Course





Akashic Records Earth Angel Course

“A 13 week journey to New Earth Embodiment” 

Course Begins Tuesday August 31st, 2021


In this 13 week journey experience the alignment of your Heart-Soul-Womb Embodiment with the rising New Earth. Dive deep into the heart of your Akashic Records transforming and transmuting any out of alignment frequencies so you can fully embody the New Earth vibration of Unity Consciousness.  Activate your DNA Ascension Codes of Love Consciousness. Activate your Grail Chalice of Love embodiment. Birth Your Divine Sophia Christ Consciousness Into Form Through the power of your Holy Womb Chakra.

A Soul Journey To Reclaim Your New Earth Consciousness

  • Overview and Understanding Your Soul Hierarchy & Ascension Journey To Wholeness
  • Aligning your Soul/Team/Womb with your Divine Soul Blueprint
  • Activating your DNA Mastery and 5th Dimensional Consciousness
  • The Holy Womb Chakra As Your Portal to Birth Your Sophia – Christos Consciousness
  • Activating your Divine Sophia – Christ Consciousness Light Grid
  • 7 Sacred Prayers of Light For The New Earth Angel – DNA Ascension Codes of Love Consciousness


Your Online Experience Includes:

  • 13 Live circle classes at 2 hours each on zoom video conference (all live classes are recorded for download)
  • Full course PDF Manual of practices, processes, rituals, ceremonies, meditations and class content
  • Sacred Prayers of Light For The New Earth Angel EBook
  • Sacred Prayers of Light For The New Earth Angel Audio Set
  • Sacred Prayers of Light For The New Earth Angel Meditations & Activations
  • Audio energy practice meditations and home support guide for deepening your practice
  • Private group circle for additional support from me plus group container
  • Group sharing and support 24/7 in a private group sharing platform.
  • Certification with Light Leaders Academy available



Hot Bonus!
Register by August 18th, 2021
Receive a private 30 minute Celestial Soul Light Session with Laura

*Payment Plans are available 

For More Information contact Laura Hosford


Student Experiences


Hi Laura, Wonderful Classes! I Have Taken Akashic Training Before and this was a Different Experience. Your Training was Current for the New Earth Timeline. I Feel Upgraded and Uplifting for me on All Levels. I always get Nervous for no reason and Needed to Be Calm. The Records will Help me clear the Last of the Past lives stuff of Being Challenged which is So Positive and Healing.  I am in this Really High State Even Now and I will stay Open and Embrace It! We Are On A New Earth Journey and Embodiment. Thanks You and Your Team. Raleen Nicol


I have been on a journey lead by my I Am for an ascension guide who could connect me to the Divine Feminine since 2018. I’ve work with more teacher who have connect me to the Christ energy Divine Masculine “Jesus Christ” then the Divine Feminine “Sophia”. Laura has help me to connect to my inner Sophia! With the help of her healing process and activation of the womb. Learning about the sacral or womb has shown me how to activate the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspect. Which intern served me in preparation for the Cosmic Mother energy coming in now. If you are ready even if you are not ready she will lend a hand to your creativity. I highly recommend her. Cassandra Williams