A Prayer For Peace from Archangel Raphael

A Prayer for Peace

My loves you are the universe feel this deeply within your body and vessel of Light. Welcome in the newest frequencies of love from Heaven into your soul now. It is time to open your hearts wide and receive all the blessings you have waited so long for to enjoy new creations in your world.  Receive your bliss and expand your love light more deeply in all ways of being. Open your heart light more and watch your world change in miraculous ways you have not experienced before in human form. Sparks fly out of your being of magnetic bliss all around you now.  Observe the changes in your physical reality as you begin to create your own Garden of Eden in total peace and harmony filling it with love for all things connected in unity.  This field of harmony you are emanating brings instant miracles into your world. Your personal holographic field is the place of creation of your new life on the new Earth. Your thoughts, words, actions or non-actions, emotions and feelings are the ingredients for your personal creation. Will you create peace or chaos now? Purify your heart and soul of everything that is not of peace or love.  Ask your inner divine God Self to guide you forward in every moment to remain in purity of heart in all ways of being. Allow your God Self to lead you forward into peace and harmony releasing all inner chaos and fear. Go in peace now. Archangel Raphael.


A Prayer For Protection

Expanding heart light glow deep inside of me, it waivers not for all to see, it guides my path into more light as I walk with my soul into the night I fear not for all is well within and around me.  You are the light, can’t you see? Stand forthright and let it be! Forever me, I bow to thee. Archangel Raphael.

Channeled by Laura Hosford, Master Akashic Guide & Soul Light Seer




2 thoughts on “A Prayer For Peace from Archangel Raphael

  1. This is truly useful, thanks.

  2. Thanks for the terrific article

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