Meet Laura

Laura Hosford has guided hundreds of clients and students on their spiritual path, through leading powerful live ceremonies, rituals, and group meditations and is always amazed at the synchronicity, power and information that emerges from each one.

Her spiritual path began after being “hit over the head” by a cosmic two-by-four in the form of losing a major job of 10 years in March, 1998.  She then entered a “dark night of the soul” period, leading her to leave her 31-year marriage and give up her dream home and lifestyle to pursue her soul calling.

Desperate to understand why her world was falling apart, she signed up for the Lifeworks School of Coaching, where she fell down the spiritual rabbit hole and reconnected with her intuitive healing and psychic abilities.

Studying extensively for over 13 years with many teachers and healers, Laura transformed her life and made the bold leap to leave the corporate healthcare world behind and operate her spiritual business full time.

In January 2014, she received a vision from Spirit to create the Light Leaders Academy, a heart-centered, Fifth-Dimensional community serving the Feminine Christ Consciousness movement on the planet.

She is currently an international global teacher, oracle for the Divine Feminine Christ, intuitive energy coach, and ordained minister, leading hundreds of spiritually based lightworkers to embody their cosmic “Christ” heart and manifest their sacred mission of creating Heaven on New Earth living their Soul’s greatest destiny. Laura calls these new fifth dimensional ascended visionaries “Light Leaders”.

On June 7th, 2017, I boarded a jet plane to Paris, France. Little did I know my life was about to be forever transformed in ways that I can hardly describe to you in mere human words. It all took place during my pilgrimage to Southern France, a place that touched my soul so deeply, that now my eyes fill with tears of Joy everytime I think about it.

What I discovered was not only a deep soul connection with the country of France but something much more profound: a deeply held presence of the divine feminine energies within these sacred lands.

As a daughter of Sophia God and carrier of the Divine Feminine energies, it felt like I had died and entered into heaven as I walked upon the land. There was no mistake in my coming here as my heart had led me here on a journey of deep reawakening with my true inner Goddess and Magdalene heart.

As I meditated in the cave across from Rennes-le-Chateau, a vision came upon me: the Story of Creation and the coming return of our Mother God Sophia, to rebuild the Earth. She was returning in full glory, bringing new creative energies that would build a new world based on divine principles of unconditional love, creating peace on Earth again.

She reminded me that the fall of the Divine Feminine was foretold centuries before it happened. This was part of the Divine Plan for the journey of humanity. This part of our journey is now over as the return of the Divine Feminine is NOW. It is time for all of us to awaken and feel her sweet embrace upon our souls again.

My soul’s mission as a channel and leader for the Divine Feminine Christ was revealed very clearly that day, as I was being called into a greater level of divine service to guide and support others to awaken and reclaim their Sacred Feminine Energy.

The calling is NOW! I hope you will join me for this life-changing journey of your Soul to awaken your inner “Magdalene heart”.

I believe we all have a higher calling of our soul to awaken the deepest divine connection of unconditional love that wants to emerge through your heart’s dream of the highest level of service to the new humanity. 

I invite you to join me along with millions of brave souls across our world to discover your soul’s greatest calling and destiny to return to the light and fully embody your true self.  I believe this is the greatest gift we can give to each other.

In service to Divine Sophia Goddess,


 Laura Hosford, is an inspiring Visionary Light Leader for World Peace, teacher, mystic, multi-sensory intuitive healer, channel for the Divine Feminine Christ, author, speaker and Light Language channel. Laura is known as a “Master Akashic Guide and Soul Light Seer” for her  gift of being able to fully access the Akashic Records and Books of Knowledge to bring in the highest wisdom and knowledge to support your evolutionary ascension of consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Warm, wise, powerful and resourceful Laura is both grounded and rooted into the wisdom of Mother Earth while able to access the higher dimensions of consciousness in Heaven to bridge in the highest truth and light to support your ascension journey. She is able to hold a deep space of unconditional love and grace while providing a very safe and nurturing environment for deep states of inner transformational work as she guides you into your highest potential.

In June 2014, Laura was gifted the vision of creating The Light Leaders Academy a heart centered fifth dimensional on-line global community of Visionary Light Leaders. The Light Leaders Academy provides on-line programs on personal consciousness development, Soul Healing self-mastery, Akashic Record certification classes and a Sacred Creation Circle Prayer group. She guides visionary entrepreneurs to align with the cosmic “Christ” heart and higher divine mind to manifest their sacred mission and contract with Heaven on New Earth living their Soul’s greatest destiny. Laura calls these new fifth dimensional ascended visionaries “Light Leaders”.

“My personal mission and divine purpose is to use all my highly attuned spiritual gifts of multi-sensory intuition, channeling wisdom and truth to inspire and guide you in discovering and living your unique inner Christ Light expression on the New Earth.  For you to experience Unity, Unconditional love, Compassion and Internal Peace with the Universal Divine Consciousness.”   




Certifications & Spiritual Gifts

    • Master Akashic Records Guide & Books of Knowledge Light Seer
    • Certified Akashic Records Teacher – Center For Akashic Studies
    • Certified Shamanic Priestess and Ordained Minister – Full Moon Sanctuary of Venus Rising
    • Certified Intuitive Strategist – Academy For The Soul
    • Certified Holistic LifeWorks Coach – LifeWorks School of Coaching
    • Reiki Master 
    • Certified Light Language Practitioner -Jayme Price
    • Certified Theta Healing Practitioner
    • Highly Attuned Multi Sensory Intuitive Energy Healer and Oracle for the Divine Feminine Christ, Sisterhood of the Rose, Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms of Light

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