Akasha Energy Update December 2019

Akasha Energy Update December 2018

By Laura Hosford


As we complete 2018, we may begin to turn our focus to the New Year ahead in great anticipation of new beginnings, a fresh start with a new set of foundational energies of Self excavated over the past year. Looking back over the year many of us felt the intensity  of the June Solstice energies as they ramped up our ascension journey to bring closure to our oldest outdated aspects, balance any remaining karmic patterns or release of relationships, homes, jobs or even pets. From June 2018 to November 10th we experience this intense period of going deeper into our unconsciousness to clear, excavate and transmute our 3rd dimensional frequencies.

For me personally I am so glad for this intense period to be behind us!  I remember experiencing a huge kundalini activation right at the June solstice which kicked off a series of events including the selling of my home and balancing some old karma to being tested in my own mastery skills of holding a space for unconditional love for myself and others! Whew, I hope I passed all these tests because they were intense and not fun!!! Yikes!

Know this, all of the inner work you have completed over these last few months was not in vain! The testing and trials of this intense period  has served you well for preparing you to receive a more expanded frequency of higher consciousness in 2019. Amen! You might be asking how is this so? Well, in January of 2018 Divine Mother/Father began to ramp up the energies sending us waves of higher frequency light particles that have been pouring into the new earth grids and into us, nature, animals, crystals, water and all living matter!  The intensity of these higher frequencies of light are very subtle however very potent in effectively  doing there job of stirring up our collective unconscious and your personal subconscious layers. These intense energies impacted any remaining deeply rooted patterns of the 3rd dimension held in your sub-conscious layers.  There job was to uproot and bring any remaining patterns  to the surface of your conscious awareness making themselves available for transmutation and integration into unconditional love energy. Moving you into more Unity consciousness which is the essence of your true self energy blueprint.

You have been SET UP….to RISE higher into more Unity consciousness and embody more of your divine soul radiant angelic light!  You have endured the shadow lands of contrast to catapult you into higher consciousness in 2019! So, yes give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done…you have created more space for more love, joy, peace, harmony and abundance to fill you up!

Today December 12th through December 21st begins a powerful and holy period to put the icing on your cake and create a new elevated prayer for 2019.  Now, looking at the numerology we have 12/12/18 = 8 which is an expression of abundance, prosperity, infinite possibilities, personal power, money, strength and when in balance is a powerful foundation to co-create new ways of being in the world. 12/21/18 = 8 also! So during this 9 holy days you can work with these elevated energies to co-create a new prayer that supports your vision for 2019! Yes let’s do it! 

As, we head into the year of  2019 a “3” year or the year of the Trinity, Mother-Father-HUman we will be on a new higher playing field of mastery as co-creators of the New Earth! The number “3” represents the energies of the optimist, creative visionary, energetic, social, spontaneous. The principle of new growth. When the initiating force of “1” unites with the germinating energy of “2” then “fruitfulness” or “3” is created! It signifies there is a synthesis present of imagination and outpouring of energy in action.

What will be your new prayer and energy in action in 2019? Take some time each day during this holy period to let the Universe know what your creation request is and how it serves the whole, our new humanity of peace. Party On into 2019!

Blessed Be!

Channelled By Laura Hosford


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