Learn To Read Your Akashic Records Classes

Advanced Akashic Record Practitioners 2015

Akashic Records Master Classes

Are you a seeker looking for answers to unresolved spiritual problems in your life that continue to show up despite your attempts to initiate lasting solutions?

Are you on an inner quest to find more meaning in your life or relationships and clarity about why your life has taken certain twists and turns that seem to lead you to dead ends in making permanent positive changes?

I can personally identify with your frustrations and possibly dis-heartened attempts to heal your life and make the positive changes you so deeply desire. I too have been a spiritual seeker for many years on the journey of healing myself looking for methods and practices to make those real positive changes in returning to a state of wholeness living my souls greatest destiny. I discovered a powerful resource of spiritual healing through the Divine Records, the Books of Life.


Akashic Records Foundation Class I

In this class you will learn how to begin connecting and accessing your personal Akashic Records using a special prayer called the Akashic Access Prayer. This prayer received directly from Source has a high vibrational essence of purity and integrity allowing you access to the 5th dimensional realms of consciousness where unique energies may be accessed for personal transformation, healing and development of your spiritual gifts.

You will experience connection with the pure energy of the Akashic Records and your Soul in this class. Begin to understand and know your authentic self at much deeper levels tapping into your own source of wisdom, knowledge and working with your spiritual support team you create consistent connection and flow developing your own intuition, spiritual gifts and ability to heal yourself and transform your life into more joy, peace, happiness and true inner freedom.

In this is a one day master class create a new inner foundation for your life! 

*Learn about the expansive world of the Akashic Records and how this amazing resource can become a powerful ally in your spiritual journey of inner transformation!

*Experience the bright energy of the Akasha providing you with deep clarity, soul wisdom and never ending unconditional love.

*Learn how to open your Akashic Records and begin exploring a deeper realm of your true self.

*Learn how to partner with your Higher Self and Akashic Guidance Team to co-create a new inner foundation built on the 5th dimensional universe of “unconditional love”.

*Akashic Records EBook and PDF including exercises to complete as you record your experiences with the Akashic Records.

*Private Community for ongoing support

*Healing Prayers

*Audio mp3 of class

*Certificate of Completion under the Light Leaders Academy.



In this class you will learn how to begin connecting and accessing your personal Akashic Records using a special prayer called the Sacred Prayer of Light. This prayer received directly from Source has a high vibrational essence of purity and integrity allowing you access to the 5th/6th/7th/8th dimensional realms of consciousness where unique energies may be accessed for personal transformation, healing and development of your spiritual gifts.

You will experience connection with the pure energy of the Akashic Records and your Soul in this class. Begin to understand and know your authentic self at much deeper levels tapping into your own source of wisdom, knowledge and working with your spiritual support team you create consistent connection and flow developing your own intuition, spiritual gifts and ability to heal yourself and transform your life into more joy, peace, happiness and true inner freedom.

In this two master class begin a powerful journey of love to bring healing and transformation to yourself and others. (includes Level 1 Foundation Class)

*In this dynamic class you will learn how to provide healing conversations tapping the source of the Akashic Records for your family, friends, clients, business or creative projects.

*Review of the Sacred Prayer of Light and reading guidelines for oneself, opening records exercises and Akashic Applications.

*Learn about the paradigm of healing and how healing happens within the Akashic Records Field of Light.

*Expand your spiritual gifts and open up a new levels of your souls intuition and guidance.

*Uplevel your coaching, counseling, energy healing. massage or other healing arts practice with blending in the powerful resource of the Akashic Records for your clients.

*Receive a Akashic Records EBook and workbook including exercises to complete as you record your experiences with the Akashic Records.

*Private Facebook Community for ongoing support of your practice.

*A follow up group call for additional support to answer your questions and additional guidance.

*Healing Prayers

*Audio mp3 of class

*Certificate of Light Practitioner under the Light Leaders Academy.



 For more information please contact Laura Hosford




What my students are saying about these certification classes……

“I would highly recommend Laura Hosford’s Akashic Records class to anyone committed to their spiritual growth. During the class, I thought that in the past I had dealt with and released an old pattern – rejection. Laura helped me to reveal and release any emotions, memories, etc. attached to this pattern.I witnessed my own progress and shifts on that amazing journey and would not change a thing related to the course the way it is prepared and implemented. The opening and closing prayers are amazingly at a higher vibration than ones that I have heard before.With great appreciation and lots of gratitude, I feel much lighter and clearer. I am thankful for Laura’s insight.” Kelly

“Laura’s Akashic Records class is a wonderful experience. We learned to access the Records in a safe and loving environment with support and guidance. She covered information to help us understand what we were accessing and how to navigate the information. I believe anyone who is drawn to this energy will learn much about themselves and also be able to help others. Laura is a bright light help in us to find our way. Thank you Laura so much for such a wonderful weekend. Sherrie C

“I recently took Akashic Records light practitioner certification class with Laura and I am so glad I did ! What an amazing experience it was. Laura is a wonderful teacher. She takes her time to explain every thing in the easiest way possible using the visuals which makes the whole learning experience much more easier and interesting. I felt immediately connected to the opening prayer. All the guided meditations,  exercises , healing , my fellow students – Everything was just awesome. I learned a lot and can’t wait for the next class with her in August. Thank you Laura   Sumbal K.

I had the pleasure of attending the Akashic Record Practitioner Light Certification course in October 2017 with Laura Hosford. The class was phenomenal! It was filled with information, practice activities, excellent materials, resources and the beautiful energy of Laura. The environment was welcoming and soothing to the spirit on all levels. Integrating what I have learned into my current work is something that I am excited about. Laura clearly helped me see how feasible and relevant that will be. Truly there are no words to cover what a fantastic teacher Laura is. I have attended many classes in the past and this was one of the best!  
Lisa Thex
Psychic/Medium/Pranic Healing Energy Worker 

Good morning everyone!
This past weekend I had the pleasure to meet and take the Akashic Records Light Practitioner with Laura Hosford. I have a been a spiritual teacher for almost 20 years, after taking several training and workshops I think I have ‘an eye’ (or a heart) to recognize a good teacher. Laura is one of them! She knows what she is taking and teaching about, most important, she teaches from her heart. When her aura appeared to me it was bright white! I have seen only seldom times an aura like her. The workshop was light and at the same time very profound. She was very patience, clear, professional and humble
I will recommend her workshop in a heart beat! Thank you Laura, it is a blessing to have in my life. Zureya

I took Laura’s Akashic Records Light Certification Class and was amazed by the experience.  Laura quickly leads you through the course material and helps you understand how to connect with the records, how to discern the information you receive, and how to be open to the energies.  I am grateful for her patient guidance and the knowledge I gained through this class.  I highly recommend attending the class to those that are trying to connect and raise their vibration.  Wonderful class and wonderful teacher! With love and gratitude, Jennifer Stone

“This new class material and the new prayer included in the Akashic Records Light Practioner Course is really awesome. I was certified in the Akashic Records by Laura earlier and decided to retake the class with the new information and prayer. The next day I did a reading. The client loved the information and the new prayer seemed to provide more clarity in accessing the records.” Renee Pedigo

I received so much from this class! I feel so “me” even more. It is incredible the energy I could feel moving through me and through this class. The information was received so well with so much ease and grace. I felt an incredible bump in my connection and abilities as well as a new level of confidence to step into my role on this Earth in this life.  I feel so full of love! Madison Armes

Thank you again for a fascinating and insightful Akashic Records class! You were a wonderful and incredibly helpful guide and teacher and I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. Grace Leigh

Thank you for a wonderful class! The content was excellent and the ability to practice with the class has helped me feel confident and ready to explore the Akashic Records.    Sonya Johnson

If you’re looking for an excellent Akashic Records teacher, I highly recommend Laura Hosford. Her Akashic Records Light Certification Course is comprehensive and easy to understand. I recently took Laura’s course via Zoom because I was not able to attend it in person, but I felt as though I was right there in the room with the other participants. The training was a mix of information and practical exercises that allowed us to apply what we learned right away. On the first day, we learned how to open and work with our own Akashic Records. On the second day, we practiced some more with our own records and then plunged right in to work in pairs, doing Akashic readings for each other. Laura and another practitioner demonstrated how to conduct readings so we would know what to expect. Group discussion was an important part of the training. The class was small, so there was ample time for questions and personalized feedback. Plus, it was fun! So go ahead and sign up for Laura’s certification course. You won’t be disappointed! Susan C.
This class was very informative and helpful. Laura gave a warm welcome and I felt comfortable with all in attendance. I learned a lot about the Akashic Recorods and had many confirmations for my path. I now will be able to access them for continuing on my spiritual path. Another plus is knowing how to help others with accessing their records for helping them find some direction along their chosen path. For anyone searching for knowing about and accessing the Akashic Records, I would recommend Laura Hosford’ s classes. Blessings, Yvonne