Akashic Records

Click Below to here my talk on the Akashic Records by Laura Hosford

Step Into Your Light Leadership Talk on Akashic Records

Are you a seeker looking for answers to unresolved spiritual problems in your life that continue to show up despite your attempts to initiate lasting solutions? Are you on an inner quest to find more meaning in your life or relationships and clarity about why your life has taken certain twists and turns that seem to lead you to dead ends in making permanent positive changes? I can personally identify with your frustrations and possibly dis-heartened attempts to heal your life and make the positive changes you so deeply desire. I too have been a spiritual seeker for many years on the journey of healing myself looking for methods and practices to make those real positive changes to return to the state of wholeness and my true self.

What are the Akashic Records…

The Akashic Records are an energetic archive of every soul’s journey throughout time and eternity they contain all of your thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds from each lifetime you incarnated on the Earth plane.

You can imagine the Akashic Records as a library of books or perhaps as a computer with all of your data stored on the hard drive. They are kept in what is known as the Akashic Field a special place of consciousness that is connected to the Universal Source, All That Is. Your Akashic Records are tracked by the Akashic Record keepers who are non-physical beings of Light responsible for maintaining the integrity of the records. You also have a personal support team that includes your Masters, Teachers and Loved ones who assist with the flow of information from your records to you.

Your Akashic Records contain all of the information about your past lives and offer deep wisdom and truth about you. They are a high vibrational source of unconditional love, truth and light to assist you in gaining clarity about your soul’s journey and provide understanding and healing of energy blocks so you may live a more fulfilled life on Earth.

The word Akasha is a Sanskrit word which means primary substance, that out of which all things are formed. It is the first stage of crystallization of spirit of the energy moving from the “formless” into “form”. This high vibrational energy is so sensitive that it registers the vibrations of your thoughts, feelings, words, actions and your life history moment to moment. It is the connective tissue between your soul and Source Creator.

What do we use the Akashic Records for….

The Akashic Records are a source of personal consciousness development for the soul and can help you understand your soul’s path so you move through your karma and embrace the truth you are an eternal being of light and unconditionally loved by the Creator.

  • For personal consciousness development and self-actualization of our soul level truth we can see our life from the bigger picture our soul’s perspective.
  • For healing of energetic blocks in our mental/emotional/spiritual/physical bodies from past lives and family patterns in our DNA.
  • To gain clarity, insights, wisdom and soul level truth about us and for your journey to make the best choices for our journey.
  • Discover our hidden gifts and talents, soul level purpose and divine missions to complete on Earth.
  • To experience unconditional love, compassion, inspiration and the light of your own soul which is 100% goodness. To “enlighten” our personal energy field and increase our light in our body.
  • Resolve past life karma and find forgiveness for us and others to increase our joy and spiritual freedom. Release outdated contracts or vows that keep us from expanding our lives into more abundance and prosperity.
  • We can obtain information about possibilities and probabilities for our future timelines to make key decisions about our path.
  • Obtain information about our family’s ancestral patterns, relationships, our jobs, business, pets or homes.

How Do We Access the Akashic Records….

The Akashic Records are available to everyone and can be accessed at any time. The key to accessing the Akashic Records is through matching the vibration as an entry point. This can be done by using sacred prayers, which serve as a vibrational key to open into this sacred field of energy.

  • We use sacred prayers to intentionally and easily connect with the higher dimensional plane vibration of our Akashic Records.
  • We use our current legal name (which is a unique vibration of energy) to access our personal records.
  • Our personal support team of Akashic Light Beings, Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones assist us in the process of flowing information to us.
  • We expand our own intuition and imagination as ways to access the information that flows into our body & being.
  • We receive information from our records based on asking questions, which prompts the energetic flow of information to us.

What Can I Expect to Experience When I Open My Records….

Each person’s experience can vary when opening their Akashic Records because we are each a unique individual. This includes the way we receive the information, which may be through channeled writing, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience or clair-knowing our sixth senses systems. After you open your records using one of the sacred prayers you will take a moment to center into your body bringing your awareness to the top of your head and imagining a wave of white light coming down into your heart space.

Your heart space is the repository or container to receive the information flowing to you. As you begin to ask questions this prompts the flow of the information to be released from your Akashic Records down the pillar of white light into your heart center. You are now engaged in a conversation with your Akashic Records and your spiritual support team who are assisting in the process of relaying information to you.

As you engage the energy of your Akashic Records you will receive information that is positive, uplifting, compassionate, kind and affirming of your highest truth. You may feel energetic shifts or experience an “aha” moment of clarity that brings understanding or peace to a situation in your life. The energy and information is affirming and life supporting never judgmental or un-kind. You are always protected and safe working in your Akashic Records.

Using Prayers To Access The Akashic Records…

Prayers have been used for thousands of years to access the Akashic Records as they hold the key vibrational energy required to access a higher dimension of consciousness. Saints, priests and mystics had knowledge of these prayers and rituals to access the Akashic Records. Prayers assist us with raising our energetic field vibration to connect in with the flow of our 8th chakra or known as our Soul Star Chakra which is the intersection point for our Soul contact with our physical body and aura.

The gifts of the Akashic Records are for you too….

Now that I have personally experienced the amazing healing gifts of the Akashic Records I want to share and teach others how to use this amazing gift we all have access too as provided by our Creator! I know from my own personal experience the amazing gifts of working with the Akashic Records brings gifts such as deep wisdom and truth, unconditional love, clarity for your soul path, compassion, healing and illumination and the highest path of truth for you! Will you join me on the spiritual quest of exploring the Akashic Records? Are your Akashic Records calling you into your life now?

The Akashic Records are noted in many sacred texts…..

“You keep count of my wanderings; put my tears into Your flask, into Your record”.  The Jewish Bible Tanakh Psalm 56:8-9

“The book in which men’s actions, good and bad, are recorded, The Book of Life”.  New Jerusalem Bible Revelation 20:12

“And Jesus opened up to the disciples the meaning of the hidden way, and the Holy Breath, and of the light that cannot fail.  He told them all about the Book of Life, the Rolls of Grapheal, the Book of God’s Remembrance, where all thoughts and words of men are written down”. The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 158:3-4

 My Akashic Records Credentials

 I am a Certified Teacher and Certified Practitioner of The Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies in the Pathway Prayer Process@  based on the book “How To Read Your Akashic Records”. After teaching The Pathway Prayer for 2 years I was guided to begin teaching my own Akashic Record Mastery classes in 2016.

 In September 2016, I channelled a new prayer from the Akashic Records called “Sacred Prayer of Light”  This galactic prayer attunes you to the 5th dimension with potential of the 6th and 7th dimensions of consciousness. This is the prayer I use for my certification classes and for individual healing sessions. 

I am also blessed with the gift to act as a “portal” to guide others to connect with the Akashic Records and have the ability to fully access the Akashic Records and Books of Knowledge to support your Soul journey in fully achieving your highest potential in this lifetime. 

I have facilitated hundreds of Akashic Record Healing Sessions since  2014 and continue to work with clients globally. These sessions are always conducted with the highest integrity, confidentiality and professionalism.

 Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies