Reconnect the Rose Sisterhood Prayer Circle

What we’re about


Welcome to the Reconnect the Rose Sisterhood Prayer Circle!

This new sacred women’s circle is about awakening and remembering our ancient Goddess lineage and returning to our sisterhood roots of the Sacred Feminine to Awaken, Heal and Transform our wombs to create “Heaven on the New Earth”.

A Rose Temple dedicated in Her name…for opening the Heart, and the healing of Core Wounds…

co-creating community for heart centered women….for awakening, unconditional Love and Oneness…

to balance the inner Masculine and Feminine…still growing and evolving…

to embody the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness, for the Evolution and Healing of Humanity

What is our potential for healing and transformation and how do we support one another? We heal in Community, Ceremonies, Gatherings and healing Circles.

We are now opening to their own feminine energy. All are being called to awaken to their sacred contracts and divine potential, so they can work as co-creators with the universal realms and the feminine and masculine aspects of the Divine to serve humanity. When our Heart is healed and the masculine and feminine aspects within become One – the Sacred Rose within then becomes the Sacred Heart of the planet.

The Divine Feminine is an energy that expresses itself in many forms and the Rose is her symbol – the Goddess has many faces and the feminine aspect of “God”. She is within all of us – waiting to be heard, healed, re-ignited and reborn again. She is waiting to be revealed in all her glory…no longer hidden…no longer silenced…no longer invisible.

Love’s healing power of the Divine Feminine can also be embodied through the experiential offerings of the Rose Ceremonies and Gathering of the Roses. They all offer unique opportunities that will enable you to move deeper into the Heart and embrace the Goddess energy and Magdalene Consciousness – a consciousness now re-emerging on the planet.

We invite you to come join our new sacred circle, enjoy a cup of tea and create community with other like minded sisters as we explore learning how to unleash our inner wise women from within, heal our wombs of old patriarchal patterns and restore our inner balance of wholeness bringing peace, harmony and joy into our lives and communities!

We will enjoy various sisterhood activities including performing “Goddess practices and ceremonies” and tapping into inspiration from several books including “Rise Sister Rise” written by Rebecca Campbell and “You Are A Goddess” written by Sophie Bashford.


Goddess Circle Schedule For 2020

 On-Line weekly Goddess Circle is open to both men and women. 

                                            Registration is required.

On-line calls are held via Zoom Video conference

Sundays at 8:00PM to 9:00PM EST

To join sign up below! Replays are sent out the next day!

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