“Releasing The False Linear Time Reality To Manifest on the New Earth”

    A lot of my channelled information comes through the asking of questions. This information came through in response to my asking how does the element of time relate to manifestation in the 5th dimensional plane of consciousness?   First, you must clearly declare for your desired manifestation to be directed onto this new

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Healing Our Shadow Masculine

Hello Akashic Adventurers! We just finished our July group call and I wanted to share a new process that came through tonight while I accessed my Akashic Records. It was very interesting because it seems while I was “mining” my own Akashic records for an issue that seems “personal” to me I was shown by

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Akashic Records July Ascension Update

Akashic Records July Ascension update channeled by Laura Hosford, Master Akashic Guide & Soul Light Seer on July 1, 2016. Question: What important spiritual information or guidance can you give us to follow for July, 2016 regarding our Earth Ascension process? There will be great pressure felt by everyone on your planet to open and

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