March Full Moon/Equinox Goddess Ceremony 2019

Goddess Full MoonWith Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Black Madonna, Kali, Shekina Healing & Transformation Meditation with Violet Flame – Letting Go of the Matrix Time Linear Energies The Full Moon in Libra marks the beginning of a new cycle. On Wednesday night, the Full Moon occurs very early in the sign of Libra, shortly after

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“Releasing The False Linear Time Reality To Manifest on the New Earth”

    A lot of my channelled information comes through the asking of questions. This information came through in response to my asking how does the element of time relate to manifestation in the 5th dimensional plane of consciousness?   First, you must clearly declare for your desired manifestation to be directed onto this new

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Now Entering Phase 2 of Planetary Ascension per Archangel Michael

Channeled by Laura Hosford on April 15, 2018 Watch Video On You Tube Today I woke up feeling into the energy of the collective consciousness, the word “scattered” came up I found myself asking this question; how can I organize myself on a consistent pattern of riding these new waves of light frequencies? Archangel Michael

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The Sacred Marriage of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

The Sacred Marriage of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. I received this channeled message today from Jesus also known as Yeshua or Sananda. We are entering into a great period on our planet that was begun two thousand years ago when Jesus and Mary Magdalene came together to model the principle of the “Sacred Marriage”.

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Moving From Loss Into Love

  There is hope there is always hope dear one! Your feelings of loss are gaps in your consciousness awareness in the material plane for growth opportunity to fill  this gap with the purity of your own being of unconditional love is ever present for you at all times! You do not always remember this

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