Client Testimonials

“I was very eager to take Laura’s Akashic Records class. I came to the class with some previous knowledge of the Akashic Records, but no real practice. Using my relatively new spiritual gifts in a classroom setting for the first time instead of in the privacy of my own home pushed me well out of my comfort zone, but I’m so glad I did it and I hope this experience will give me the confidence to face other challenges along my path. I attended class via Zoom as I was unable to attend in person, and even though there were some technical hiccups that presented some challenges, Laura made every effort to make sure I was involved and included in class discussion. She is a wonderful teacher, and her classes are very laid back, personal and friendly while at the same time deeply informative. You come away with a lot to process, and the means to continue your growth after class. The class size was small and very intimate, with plenty of room for questions and nothing was rushed. While sharing your experience in a group setting can be a bit nerve-wracking (especially if you’re a beginner), it does give you the opportunity to learn different perspectives from your fellow classmates, which I found very valuable. I would absolutely recommend Laura’s Akashic Records class to anyone curious about the Akashic Records and interested in furthering their own spiritual growth.” Taryn A

“I would highly recommend Laura Hosford’s Akashic Records class to anyone committed to their spiritual growth. During the class, I thought that in the past I had dealt with and released an old pattern – rejection. Laura helped me to reveal and release any emotions, memories, etc. attached to this pattern.I witnessed my own progress and shifts on that amazing journey and would not change a thing related to the course the way it is prepared and implemented. The opening and closing prayers are amazingly at a higher vibration than ones that I have heard before.With great appreciation and lots of gratitude, I feel much lighter and clearer. I am thankful for Laura’s insight.” Kelly

“Laura’s Akashic Records class is a wonderful experience. We learned to access the Records in a safe and loving environment with support and guidance. She covered information to help us understand what we were accessing and how to navigate the information. I believe anyone who is drawn to this energy will learn much about themselves and also be able to help others. Laura is a bright light help in us to find our way. Thank you Laura so much for such a wonderful weekend. Sherrie C

“I recently took Akashic Records light practitioner certification class with Laura and I am so glad I did ! What an amazing experience it was. Laura is a wonderful teacher. She takes her time to explain every thing in the easiest way possible using the visuals which makes the whole learning experience much more easier and interesting. I felt immediately connected to the opening prayer. All the guided meditations,  exercises , healing , my fellow students – Everything was just awesome. I learned a lot and can’t wait for the next class with her in August. Thank you Laura ?  Sumbal K.

Heather said it so beautifully, it did feel so empowering and tranquil. Indeed Beautiful Highest Honor and Gratitude!!! In addition as soon as I closed my eyes I also saw violet light. All your meditations take my breath away, with their beauty and love. I am still flying high from our session yesterday Laura, I have to say that I have been on the path of my awakening for many years now, and that session was one of the best and most powerful I have ever experienced. Not only the powerful healing that was brought forth but the answers to the questions I have had now for so many years were all revealed to me and brought forth, so much peace within my soul! I have no words to describe how much I appreciate all that you did for me yesterday! I also can not express enough for any of you that have not had a session with Laura to do so! I have been meeting recently such powerful beautiful Divine women/feminine, beings of so light and love lately and Laura you are indeed one of them!!! I love you sister and may you be so blessed in all you do! Sky Walker

I had the pleasure of attending the Akashic Record Practitioner Light Certification course in October 2017 with Laura Hosford. The class was phenomenal! It was filled with information, practice activities, excellent materials, resources and the beautiful energy of Laura. The environment was welcoming and soothing to the spirit on all levels. Integrating what I have learned into my current work is something that I am excited about. Laura clearly helped me see how feasible and relevant that will be. Truly there are no words to cover what a fantastic teacher Laura is. I have attended many classes in the past and this was one of the best!  Lisa T.


“I would love to share what happened when I opened Roberts business records. My teeth began to chatter, just like on Sunday, this time it was more, I was talking to Robert asking him to say what is on his mind, after a few minutes he went quiet, and I asked what is happening, he said an idea is forming. I asked if he wanted to share, he said it’s very technical, my knowing said I don’t need to know and hold the space, my teeth continued to chatter. I offered him some paper, to record the idea, which he did.  Then I asked if he was willing to let go of believes, I don’t remember what belief it was, he said yes, and I started to say these believes adding more as we continued. After I felt excited and relived, because, on Sunday, there was a healing for Susan, and it was the beginning of a new way of working. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You xx  Blessings,  Lorraine W.”

 “I loved the session Laura, you are doing amazing work  David L.”

Good morning everyone!
This past weekend I had the pleasure to meet and take the Akashic Records Light Practitioner class with Laura Hosford.
I have a been a spiritual teacher for almost 20 years, after taking several training and workshops I think I have ‘an eye’ (or a heart) to recognize a good teacher. Laura is one of them! She knows what she is talking and teaching about, most important, she teaches from her heart. When her aura appeared to me it was bright white! I have seen only seldom times an aura like her. The workshop was light and at the same time very profound. She was very patience, clear, professional and humble
I will recommend her workshop in a heart beat! Thank you Laura, it is a blessing to have in my life. Zureya

I was introduced to Laura Hosford in 2014. I see her as a good kind friend. Her personalized prayers are very powerful and I have seen immediate results.  For me, her readings have been on the mark. She inspires deep trust by the way she does the readings from the heart and accompanies them with prayer and practical remedies.    Mala Iyer

 “I had an Akashic Records Session with Laura Hosford and all I can say is Wow! She accessed my Akashic records and delivered some very beautiful guidance for questions I was struggling with. She also spoke a beautiful Light Language that was filled with amazing vibration. She translated the message for me that was so sacred to my heart I will carry it with me always. She has been truly gifted a divine gift and its a blessing to experience. Jeanie”

“I have my first session with Laura Hosford today. All I can say is Wow! During the session, Laura opened my Akashic Records and answered questions I had regarding setting up a business and stepping into my purpose work. So much clear, detailed, and inspiring information came through from my Akashic guides. I was able to gain clarity in both my gifts as well as the type of programs I can create. We also explored the talents I bring with me from my past lives and how those can be used to shape the products I produce. I was buzzing the entire session and, honestly, haven’t stopped yet. So many possibilities were revealed! Laura is a truly gifted translator of the Akashic Records. It is indeed a treat to get to work with someone with her gifts and talents. Thank you Laura, so much. Lisa A.

“My Akashic Reading with Laura was amazing. There were things that I had often wondered about that you clarified right at the start. I found the energy surrounding you very positive, enlightening, and full of love.  Bonnie C.

“I’ve had a couple of Akashic Records readings with Laura that left me feeling safe, more clear and less anxious about my path and my purpose. She is a gifted intuitive reader who not only understands this avenue to information but teaches as she goes. Her grasp of this technique is amazing. It is an experience I recommend to others all the time, especially as we move through this shift.  My last visit with her was left open to her Guides for direction. She was quickly led to a specific prayer circle where she took me through a beautiful guided meditation that took me straight to the portal of my heart. The energy in the room was raised significantly and held there by her uncanny ability to speak a light language piece that I’ve listened to twice since then, allowing me to quickly return to that level of frequency. She is an amazing teacher who offers keen insight to areas we may be less familiar with that are important for our personal evolvement. I give her 5 stars 🙂 Cindy

“I did not know what to expect when I had my Akashic Reading with Laura. I can honestly say I was blown away. Not only did it touch me deeply, it resonated with issues I had been grappling with for years, searching for answers that kept eluding me.  Of course it is necessary to suspend disbelief and open your heart to the messages one receives, but once one does, the results are very grounding and in my case, heartening. I plan to have another reading with Laura in the future.  DS

“Laura, here is the feedback from my reading on August 14, 2014. The things I liked most were: 1. I felt safe in your home. Very calming and felt loved. 2. The record’s information that was given to you to pass along to me was the confirmation on things that needed to be said and heard. To be told that I need to truly “love myself” is something, I’ve always struggled with. The things that I disliked most Nothing really! 🙂 Perhaps having more questions to ask and having them answered.  But, that is on me, for not having more questions! However, that might have had been a good thing, because I have enough things to focus on to become the “True Me” and to “Love Me”. Thank you again for doing the Reading!!! Lorrie

“I received my first Akashic Record Reading from Laura in late October 2014.  This was my very first experience opening my Akashic Records, although I was already familiar with the process through reading about this subject.  For past reference, I have had meetings with many gifted individuals, from mediums to healers and beyond; so when I say I was extremely impressed with Laura’s session, I mean it sincerely from the deepest valleys of my heart.  I experienced a new clarity through Laura’s words. <3 Before the session, I was a bit apprehensive of having a phone reading.  However, I felt quite the opposite as the session moved forward.  I am often moved to tears with my emotions and the freedom of this phone reading allowed me to dispel these watery feelings unreservedly, without fear of embarrassment or of causing a disruption to Laura while she was so focused.  It also allowed the session to be recorded, so Laura could later send it to me for future use.  How great is that?!  🙂 If you have never experienced an Akashic Record Reading, or have with little result, I highly recommend Laura.  It is obvious when you talk with Laura that her soul shines brightest when she is helping others.  She is very straightforward and compassionate in her readings.  She is completely devoted to helping you onto your higher life path by basically being a coach and cheerleader to your soul.  <3 Thank you for sharing your love and light with the world Laura!  XOXO ~ Rachel 

“Laura’s mastery of reading the Akashic records is amazing. I appreciate her patience and love through the process. It is not easy to hold the balance between the seen and unseen. She is a perfect guide. Fonda

“My Akashic reading with Laura Hosford settled and grounded me. I am in a life transition to a new profession at age 61 which combined with a move to a new city (though near my former city) and uncertainty about employment can occasionally cause emotional discomfort. Along with that my sibling relationships are rough to nonexistent. I’ve been assured I have the strength and skills to be ready to approach them for healing at the right time. Mother Mary and an First Nation chief guide will be with me for support and encouragement. I am a light leader/healer according to Laura, one of a line of healers. This resonates with me. I have felt like a healer for years and have had a few memorable experiences of visionary access to the way to heal as well as the way not to approach healing. I was at peace after her reading and weeks later I still carry the feeling with me. Maureen

“So, first of all I would like to thank you again for reading me, it really was a pleasant experience!!! Felt relaxing and peaceful, I was at ease and did not feel anxious. The messages given were very encouraging and reaffirming. The methods and visuals provided to help me along daily are easy to follow *Neutral, non-judgmental approach. Gave me Hope and a renewed purpose to my life’s journey. Thank you! Marilyn

“Hi thanks for the reading it was great.  First of all your presence was great, you are very warm and sure of yourself. It was very interesting to hear about my past lives and I received good information that will help me move forward in my life.  Thanks! Jimmi

 “I liked your level of professionalism. You explained what the AR are and how the reading would be conducted. You allowed me time to process the information that you were giving me and ask any questions that I wanted to ask. I became so involved in the process that I asked many more questions than I had thought I would ask and you allowed me to do so without rushing me or becoming impatient. It is obvious that you are exceptional at what you do and that you have a real passion for this work. I really appreciate the time and energy that you poured into my session. I could not have been more pleased with the outcome as much of what you told me had already been revealed to me. The reading provided the confirmation that I needed to stay focused and committed to my current path.I liked  everything about the session and how you conducted it. I have no criticisms or complaints about your work. I will certainly use you again and will be happy to refer others to you who may be in need of your services. Thank you again. Sue

“I particularly enjoyed your enthusiasm and friendliness; I felt you were genuinely interested in what we were learning, and that was very helpful, because for most of my questions I was really looking for validation about things I already had hints about. I appreciated that you stayed on topic and explained what you would be able to look at since you were reading my records (and not those of others).  I also like that you didn’t hesitate to pause and look deeper if you needed to. And I’m grateful that you were flexible about the ending time since we kept discovering other things to look at. I look forward to having another session and exploring some things more deeply! Thanks again for a wonderful – and fun – session! Leslee

“I was beyond thrilled after having a Akashic Record reading from Laura. I was touched by the clarity and insight during the reading. Right on the mark as far as what I have been going through and feeling.  I was told I would have an ending to a situation that had been going on for 2 years within 4 months and was pleasantly surprised that it came true! Highly recommend! Danna W.

“I’ve had several Akashic and IST sessions with Laura and I will say these sessions have improved my life in many ways. I was carrying a lot of anger which was driving me to act in ways that were a danger not only to myself but to other people and that anger was cleared in an IST session with Laura. More recently we cleared some issues with fear and a need to be in control that have affected my life since I was a child. I didn’t realize how limiting it was until we cleared it and I feel like a new person. The immediate feeling is relief but as I adjust to the change I feel lighter and more confident in everything.  I tend to be a skeptic with a need for proof in everything and I can honestly say the changes that I’ve experienced are proof to me that the IST clearing works but people that I interact with on a regular basis have noted and commented on the changes. I’ve recommended this to several people dealing with various issues and I will continue with my sessions as I evolve and become a better person. Beverly R.

I really enjoyed my Light Language Heart Activation Process with Laura Hosford!  It was very different from anything I’ve done before.  She prepared my heart and mind for integration and activation of my Divine Mission and Sacred Contract with Heaven.  That’s exciting and I look forward to seeing what will happen next! Moyne Gillming, Multi-Dimensional Healer