Magdalene Red Rose Temple


What if you could go on a sacred retreat with me and the “Mary’s” -Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary without leaving your own home?


Presenting an Exclusive sisterhood circle on a  journey to ignite, deepen and embody your feminine soul light to Get Your Goddess Groove On and become the change agent you came to be! 


                   The Temple Doors Are Now Open For New Members

Until February 28th, 2021 





What is The Magdalene Red Rose Circle?

The Magdalene Red Rose Circle is a members-only group for women who want to deepen their connection to the sacred feminine.

It’s a year-long guided journey, where you’ll join me twice a month online for live webinar deep dives in sacred sisterhood.

Plus a whole lot more to support your journey into deep sacred feminine embodiment and divine soul-full reunion.

What’s included in your membership?

Weekly live community Sisterhood of the Sophia Rose Circles 

  • Goddess Healing Moon Circles with Q&A session (2) 90 minute deep dive calls per month
  • Exclusive channelled message meditations with Celestial Realm
  • Access to an exclusive resources library of downloadable digital audio files 
  • Live member support in Q&A forum
  • Private community and chat
  • First Access To Events, Classes & Sacred Retreats
  • 10% Discount on Celestial Soul Light Sessions (60 minutes)
  • Integration & development exercises

 All of this plus an extra-special private on-line community, where I’ll be on hand regularly to offer close support and encouragement.

How does it work?

The Magdalene Red Rose Circle is an online workshop journey, unfolding over the course of 12 months. It’s an opportunity to commit to the ritual of dedicated sacred space just for you, twice a month.

New Moon Ritual

Around each New Moon, you’ll enter ‘The Magdalene Red Rose Temple’, an online webinar hosted live by me. If you’re not able to join me live, you can view the replay.

This is a bespoke intuitive workshop, where we’ll connect with spiritual guides from the feminine realms. We’ll work with specific feminine themes, and there’ll be deep healing energy flowing!

Full Moon Ritual

Around the next Full Moon, I’ll host a live Q&A session via webinar. It’s a chance to ask questions, and receive tips on how to best work with the energy or theme of that month. 


The Magdalene Red Rose Circle Membership

As a Magdalene Red Rose Circle Member you’ll find a like-souled community on a similarly aligned path. On a cosmic-destiny level, I just know you’ll meet others who’ve shared ‘moon temple space’ with you in past lifetimes! This is pivotal for the awakening of trust in your ancient feminine spirit: reuniting with ‘old friends’ and giving one another vital encouragement and understanding.

You’ll automatically be inside The Magdalene Red Rose Private On-line Community, where I’ll be super-active during the month to support you. This private community is a moderated, protected space for you to share and integrate your experiences arising from our Magdalene Red Rose Circles.

For around the cost of a dinner out with your sisters, you’ll receive all this every month:


  • A completely unique, never-repeated 90-minute workshop with live channelling, activations and attunements.
  • Weekly live Sisterhood of the Sophia Rose Global Prayer meditations 

         90 minutes of Q&A and processing time with me every month.

         Free private community with generous support (fully moderated             and energetically protected)

          A carefully-curated library of resources to enrich your journey

          Exercises & practices to complement our monthly themes



The recorded workshops are yours to keep. FOREVER.

The Magdalene Red Rose Circle IS for you if you:


Have a genuine interest in working with sacred feminine energy


Are new to ‘the goddess’ but are very drawn to learn more


Are familiar with ‘the goddess’ but want to go deeper

Would like ongoing support with making regular sacred space just for you


You are ready to commit to your spiritual growth, and invest in yourself


You understand that this may be an emotionally-healing process 


You enjoy guided meditation journeys, and working with higher spiritual energies


You are open to trusting the intuitive, divinely-guided flow of each workshop and applying these concepts to your life.


The Magdalene Red Rose Circle  is NOT for you if you:


Are not ready to take 100% responsibility for your actions, choices and creations.


Are looking for a ‘quick-fix’ solution or instant, no-inner-work-required results


Like having a pre-planned, firmly-set agenda for workshops


Aren’t ready to commit to a regular spiritual and self-empowerment practice


Don’t want to do any self-directed sacred practice outside guided sessions


Want to stay only in the logical, masculine or left-brained space


Are not ready to acknowledge your feelings, or open up to any emotional support

Don’t like guided meditations, healing energy work or connecting with your Higher Power


The incredible value of The Magdalene Red Rose Temple

  • Just TWO 90-minute intuitive session with me costs at least $390


  • Four weekly 60-minute live calls with me at $400


  • Several hours per month of my undivided attention in our private community – around $350


  • Brand new pieces written by me especially for our sacred work each month – priceless!


  • The benefit of thousands of personal hours (over 12 years) of my own intuitive training, therapy and development – about a zillion $s!

That means you’ll get more than

$1140 a month or $14,820 a year of me!


but you know the value of your personal soul growth can’t be measured. It’s worth EVERYTHING.


the launch of The Magdalene Red Rose Temple is extra-special to me. I’ve waited a long time for this, and I’m so happy that you might be one of my FIRST members.

which is why…

I’d like to give you, my NEW MEMBER of The Magdalene Red Rose Circle , a very special introductory offer of only $55.99 per month!