Light Language Healing Prayer Session


What Is Light Language?

Light Language in Akasha

 Light Language is a unique form of channeling. It is a higher dimensional more subtle, less dense language than we speak on Earth. It is multi-dimensional and has vast amounts of information within it. It is dynamic and changing sound and light frequencies and interacts differently with each person. The multidimensional quality relates to the quantum nature of Light Language as it has wave like properties until an observer/receiver interacts with it initiating it’s particle like properties. A waveform is highly malleable to intent and this is why it changes with each listener. Since there are little to no pre-conceived defined terms when experiencing Light Language, the information is still in wave like form. Your Higher Self or divine aspect, brings it into a form that you utilize to release and activate as needed for higher forms of information and healing.

Light Language is a powerful transmission that bypasses all other encasements because it immediately hits the energy field without having to be broken down into other formats like an understanding or an emotion. It is a spatial interaction with the light body, not an intellectual transmission like words. It is most often not translated as word or word transmission and is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information. As you receive or transmit Light Language information you are connecting with your Higher Self, with higher dimensions, initiating emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing, DNA activation, Pineal Gland activation, opening of telepathic channels. You accelerate your Ascension a natural process of evolution. You are anchoring higher frequency information on Earth which begins to change the overall vibration of the Earth. You are improving yourself and the world by opening to a natural heart-centered communication that has been lost as our vibration on Earth was out of the spectrum of easy access to this connective communication.

(Excerpt above from Learning Light Language by Jamye Price)

Because the Akashic Records are everywhere and everything is contained in them this includes this healing frequencies of light and sound known as Light Language!


“Light Language Healing Prayer Session”

This is a guided and channeled light language healing session that is created uniquely for you. We will access the healing vibrational power of Prayer, your Akashic Records,  your Higher Self, Guides, Angels and multi-dimensional frequencies of light and sound to bring in the quantum healing energies for your spiritual transformation and healing on a Soul level.

  • Reclaim your authentic soul connection to your divine nature.
  • Heal, open and activate your sacred heart connection.
  • Heal your emotions and traumas held in your subconscious body.
  • Clear your energy field, balance your chakras and ascension column.
  • Connect with your Higher Self and Divine team to receive daily guidance.
  • Heal your human and soul DNA.
  • Use this recorded session in your daily meditation to support quicker manifestation of your intentions and  personal healing transformation process.

Book Your Session




“Activate Your Soul Mission & Gifts”

This is a custom channelled session using Prayer and Light Language.  I will connect with your Higher Self and open your Akashic Records to receive guidance for your Divine Mission and Contract with Heaven. I will also make inquiry on any blocks or required integrations that you need to fully open to embody your mission. With the assistance of your Higher Self  and Divine Team I will guide you through a prayer process which will include a Language of Light activation. This session is recorded for you to keep and use in your daily meditation practice to provide you with the anchoring of the energy for your divine mission into the New Earth.

  • Activate your Divine Mission & Sacred Contract through your Christ High Heart.
  • Reclaim your authentic soul connection to your divine nature.
  •  Align your Divine Mind, Divine Heart and Divine Will with your sacred mission to activate your purpose work.
  • Clear your energy field, balance your chakras and ascension column.
  • Open higher channels of communication with your Higher Self and Divine team to receive daily guidance.
  • Use this recorded session in your daily meditation to anchor in the energies of support for your Divine Mission & Soul Purpose work.


 Click here to purchase.



“Client Love”

“I’ve had a couple of Akashic Records readings with Laura that left me feeling safe, more clear and less anxious about my path and my purpose. She is a gifted intuitive reader who not only understands this avenue to information but teaches as she goes. Her grasp of this technique is amazing. It is an experience I recommend to others all the time, especially as we move through this shift.  My last visit with her was left open to her Guides for direction. She was quickly led to a specific prayer circle where she took me through a beautiful guided meditation that took me straight to the portal of my heart. The energy in the room was raised significantly and held there by her uncanny ability to speak a light language piece that I’ve listened to twice since then, allowing me to quickly return to that level of frequency. She is an amazing teacher who offers keen insight to areas we may be less familiar with that are important for our personal evolvement. I give her 5 stars 🙂 Cindy” 

I really enjoyed my Light Language Heart Activation Process with Laura Hosford!  It was very different from anything I’ve done before.  She prepared my heart and mind for integration and activation of my Divine Mission and Sacred Contract with Heaven.  That’s exciting and I look forward to seeing what will happen next! Moyne Gillming, Multi-Dimensional Healer










Would you like to experience Light Language? 

Click on the you tube channel below to hear and experience light language!

Light Language Adventures

Light Language Adventures
