Light Leaders Retreats


Lightworkers, Earth Angels, Empaths, Energy Healers and Visionary Entrepreneurs!


Join us for a special Goddess retreat- calling all Sisters Of The Rose!

“Awakening Your Divine Feminine Christed Heart”

A Sacred Journey In Southern France

with Mary Magdalene And Mother Mary


September 13th to September 22nd, 2020


An all-inclusive 10 day sacred retreat to Southern France!


“If you’re an Intuitive-Empath-Healer or Visionary who’s ready to be the change agent you came to be, make a difference and emerge as a catalyst for Divine Feminine Leadership  – then join Laura Hosford for a life-changing transformational sacred pilgrimage. 

September 23rd to October 2nd, 2019


Calling All Sisters of the Rose…


Divine Mother Sophia God is calling you…


She asks you to remember your ancient lineage,


to awaken your sacred codes of light and open the final petal of your heart….


To enter in sacred union with your inner beloved and become whole again…


Are you willing to awaken your Magdalene Heart?


You are invited dear sister to join us for an intimate priestess pilgrimage to activate your chalice of remembrance in Southern France.

As you walk with your fellow ascended sisters, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary you activate your ancient roots and gently awaken  your Sisterhood of the Rose lineage.

It is time sister to heal your wounds of separation, to awaken your inner Goddess of wisdom, beauty, and activate your chalice of light again.

You came to Earth to give, radiate and embody the light of the Goddess…


Who Are The Sisterhood of the Rose?


Thousands of years ago, priestesses of the goddess were gathering in circles to anchor the energy of peace and harmony with the rose being the sacred symbol of the goddess.

During the Atlantean times they founded an ancient mystery school based on the profound knowledge contained in and symbolized by the Sacred Rose.

Later they reemerged in ancient Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Cathars,  and Templars. The Rose is a Divine Messenger that offers a powerful invitation to open and heal the heart. Members of the Sisterhood of the Rose were and still are wisdom keepers.

The Sisterhood of the Rose brings together all forms of the Goddess and God energy into the highest aspects of the Divine Feminine. This energy is now returning and reawakening our world through Sisterhood of the Rose groups around the planet.

The Sisterhood today is acts as a major custodian of the sacred wisdom. Its purpose is to heal all of the kingdoms on Planet Earth, and restore the universal symbols.

It is thought that the members of the Sisterhood came from the Sect of Essenes with Mary the Mother as their Master Essene. The wisdom contained in the lost scrolls includes information about the Sisterhood and the feminine face of God lost for centuries.


How Do I Know If I Am A Sister of the Rose?


If you keep being drawn to the rose and or the Goddess.

The Goddess symbol is the Rose, and the Rose is often the first thing that draws a person into a relationship with the Sisterhood. But the magic and energy of the Goddess vibration and the Sisterhood of the Rose then extends us to a relationship with the Stars, and the Shambala Star in particular.


How Do I  Know If This Retreat Is For Me?


  • Are you ready to feel a connection to Mary Magdalene or Mother Mary and want to deepen your ability to receive their direct guidance and mentorship for expanding your feminine leadership abilities.
  • Are you are ready to step into an expanded divine feminine leadership role of potentially leading your own Sacred Goddess Circle.
    • Are you are ready to ignite your divine feminine frequency, awaken your inner sacred codes of light and activate your sacred contract to serve humanity in a bigger way.
  • Are you ready to awaken your latent Priestess powers to heal, transform and anchor the divine feminine light in your community.


Our sacred journey begins as we enter into the beautiful rolling foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains, located in the Languedoc region considered to be the home of Cathar Country, where descendants of the Magdalene have kept her legacy “the Way of Love” alive to this day.

As followers of The Magdalene we begin a transformational and magical journey deep into the heart of Southern France following in her footsteps to discover hidden truths of her life and legacy forever imprinted into the hearts of the people to this day.

Discover and awaken to your “inner Magdalene” as you walk in the footsteps of St. Mary Magdalene visiting sacred sites where she lived and taught the principles of “The Way of Love” based on the lost teachings of Jesus creating a legacy of love in Southern France.

Experience becoming fully embraced in her loving energies through sacred ceremony, rituals and channeling of her story to bring in a new deeper understanding of the  journey of the sacred feminine and it’s importance today in serving your journey into restored wholeness!


This 10 day journey also includes a bonus 4 week on-line course. 

“Igniting Your Inner Magdalene Priestess Heart” 

Inside of us lives a priest-priestess who knows and understands that everything is sacred. She holds the wisdom of the connection between heaven and earth, and longs to express herself in the Temple of our lives.

    • On this sacred transformational pilgrimage, you as the “Initiate” begin your quest to fully “embody” your unique Christ Consciousness light activating your souls destiny and manifesting your greatest potential in this lifetime.

  • You will restore your inner sense of wholeness and balance, of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies through participating in a sacred union activation and anointing ceremony.

  • As you begin to embrace your inner core wounding of the feminine through the re-telling of the story of Mary Magdalene, you move into a greater understanding of the “whole story”, shifting your inner reality into a healing potential for your family lineage and the wounded collective consciousness.
  • Through sacred activation of your Inner Magdalene Voice, you spark the integration of your inner priest/priestess powers, fully owning your unique Sacred Work you emerge as a “World Server of Light” ready to serve humanity. 



This is an intimate sacred retreat circle of only 6 places…we have openings…these will sell out quickly so don’t wait to sign up for your transformational journey!

Early Bird Special Pricing ends May 31st, 2020

Make your deposit of $550.00 to hold your spot today!

Payment Plans are available 




“Ignite Your Goddess Prosperity Flow Webinar”  
I listened to the web replay of Ignite Your Goddess Prosperity Flow today.  Wow, I really enjoyed it and received a healing from it that has to do with guilt I have been carrying about my mom’s death.  Thank you for your leadership and dedication. 
Shanda Keirsey
I’m just happy to have been there with you. I ALWAYS experience powerful shifts when attending one of your web classes/conferences. This was AWEsome Thank You!  Heather Houston