MAMA CACAO CEREMONY

Sunday, Nov 22, 2020 – 3:00 to 5:00 pm

I love bringing Mama Cacao to you, whether you’ve been with us before in circle, or are new to the experience. I can’t wait for the next online ceremony. Post-US election is a GREAT TIME to join together with Spirit, from the heart, to fortify ourselves for whatever may play out in the world.

Join us for a healing & uplifting online ceremony with Mama Cacao, one of the best plant allies for helping us with our current personal & collective crisis. The theme for this ceremony is “Peace,” which is the Mother of Prosperity and Love. One leads to the other, and Mama Cacao brings us to that state of conscious well-being in which we can relax & restore, and from which we can manifest things with greater ease, trust & wisdom.

We will enjoy some chanting, music, and deep meditation with Mama Cacao to help you relax and open your channels to receive more peace, prosperity and Divine Mother’s love!

Note: You do not have to drink the Cacao to do this ceremony. If you have any medical issues, please ask me before purchasing. Thank you!

Questions? Email Laura

The cost for this circle is $22.00 US.

Please use link below to render payment and register! I will send you the details on how to order your Cacao. Registration closes November 20th.

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