Meet Laura Hosford – Founder of The Light Leaders Academy

Hello Friends!

Meet Laura Hosford, Founder of the Light Leaders Academy. I am excited you are part of the Light Leaders Academy! I wanted to give you some more information about who I am so we can get to know each other better and how I can best support your spiritual walk in this life 🙂 .

 I am a natural born healing intuitive with multi-sensory abilities, teacher, mystic, light channel and visionary for world peace.

My primary mission is to teach and guide awakened individuals across the globe to “heal their heart to fully embody their Soul Light expression of Truth living out their highest destiny on the new Earth. I call these self-actualized souls “Light Leaders”.

I hold the belief that every person on the Earth has the innate ability to transform their life and live from their sacred cosmic heart or I AM presence becoming a conscious co-creator with the Kingdom of Heaven to manifest their sacred missions and contracts on the new earth.

One of my primary gifts is the special ability to access both the Akashic Records and the Books of Knowledge to find the deepest wisdom and highest truth for your journey. I do this in my Akashic Record Reading service that can provide you with information for personal, business, career, buying a home, or on a pet.

I also facilitate and teach programs on personal consciousness development and healing including a Certification class on the Akashic Records through the Center for Akashic Studies. The program is based on the book “How To Read the Akashic Records” by Linda Howe. There are two certification levels. A beginning practitioner and advanced healing practitioner.

I am also a certified Intuitive Strategist. As a highly attuned multi-sensory I am able to go deep into your mental and emotional bodies and communicate with your Higher Self for optimal healing results. I work from a space of unconditional love and grace to provide you a safe and nurturing environment for deep states of transformation. I also bring in the energies of Mother Mary, the Ascended Masters and Arch Angels to bring in the highest truth and light in all of my intuitive sessions.

In my Soul Alignment session we identify the lower self personas or aspects of yourself that are not in alignment with your higher self. These personas are actually soul fragments that show up in our daily life taking us over or off track by their negative behaviors or bad habits. I take you through a process to identify the persona and then we transform the beliefs and denser emotions into a new belief and higher vibration of love to support your alignment with your soul’s purposes.

“My expertise and specialty is guiding and teaching you how to identify and remove blocks, patterns, beliefs and ways of being that no longer serve your new ascended path of spiritual mastery. Using my highly attuned multi-sensory intuitive gifts and accessing your Akashic Records I am able to diagnose the “root cause” of your condition or situation and prescribe a solution to move you forward again on your path.”

I also recently discovered a new spiritual gift of being a “channel for Light Language” for the purpose of bringing in higher frequencies of healing light codes to activate your sacred heart and help you assimilate these energies to support manifestation of your higher purpose and divine mission on the new earth. I now offer a Light Language & Sacred Creation Circle Prayer session. Light Language is a special type of channeling of light and sound frequencies that come in from the higher dimensions. These frequencies are very healing for our emotional/mental/spiritual and physical bodies including our human DNA.

I would love to support you on your journey to experiencing more of your heart’s desire and living your dream life! You can experience more spiritual freedom, personal power, peace, love, passion and prosperity. Will you take the required actions to re-claim your birthright as a powerful conscious co-creator of your life? Love yourself more and choose “yes” to begin the journey of healing your heart and loving your life! I hope you say “yes” because I believe all things are possible with God.

Peace and blessings to you!

Laura Hosford, LCC is an inspiring Visionary Light Leader for World Peace, teacher, mystic, multi-sensory intuitive healer and channel.