Radio Show Interview Replays


With Cari Murphy

October 22nd, 2018

An Invitation to Open Your Heart Womb!

The Alara Canfield Show

Transformation to Joy

Transformation To Joy Global Telesummit Show Interviews 

With Shashi Langham

Laura Hosford: Hurricanes #Florence, #Isaac and #Helene Healing Meditation and her work on following in the Footsteps of Mary Magdalene!
September, 14th, 2018

” Become the Temple of Divine Love Now”

July 20th and July 26th, 2018

ArchAngel Michael gave me this activation process called “Ritual of the Divine Holy Atonement Blessing”  to restore inner waves of peace, calm and harmony in the Universal Body of the Divine Source of Life. I will bring in the energies of Quan Yin as this is a water blessing ceremony to bring in forgiveness and compassion to the hearts of many who listen to your show.  This is to resolve anger, pain and suffering in the collective consciousness. This frees us to become the embodiment of Love as we release our attachments. Attachments are reflections of your desires to stay locked into pain and suffering, as mechanisms created for temporary relief of your mind chatter unresolved emotional reflections…..

Feedback from Live callers & issues covered:

“Thank you Shashi and Laura for this powerful call of amazing blessings and healing. I would love to have a reading or receive a message to guide me on my role on the new Earth. I’m finding that these new energies are helping me to create the space for me to notice and bring loving attention to my thoughts and feelings and I would like to find myself moving into new opportunities of connecting with and helping others even though I am still learning to help myself. Thank you so much. “~ Suzanne – England

“Such a deep Beautiful process, thank you. My question for ArchAngels Michael & Gabriel; please show me what is blocking me from releasing the excess weight from my body. I love me & I would love to experience life as a lighter body again. And I know that I truly deserve to be my feminine goddess self. My heartfelt Love & gratitude for you Laura, to Goddess Shashi & the Angelic Team here.” ~ Diana – australia

“Thanks a lot, Shashi and Laura: I’ve been doing so much healing, but I’m still stuck, it seems I’ve got a major block about receiving, so I just can’t move forward. Could you give me some insight?” ~ Gabriel – mexico city

“What a great meditation, grateful for being on the call. Is there any guidance the angels would like to share Thank you” ~ Pamela, Ocean Isle Beach

“As soon as Laura said Mother Mary & Mary Magdalene, I burst into tears (so unexpectedly) thank you for such a beautiful message. Omgoodess so helpful!!!! I am already beautiful more tears lol xx” ~ Diana – australia

“That’s amazing Laura, thank you, we recently lost our dog, Ben last September, he was 14 yrs old and we loved him very much. We also had Max our first dog for 15 years, always in our hearts. I would very much like to work with the animals and I look forward to an opportunity to do so. Thank you” ~ Suzanne – England

“oh, so amazing, I’m so grateful. Beautiful, Thanks, thanks” ~ gabriel – mexico city

“Thank you Laura for this beautiful healing process, it is truly a blessing. I feel I now have new energies to carry forward and a desire to learn to love myself in new ways.” ~ Suzanne, England

“Hello Shashi & Laura, I would love Laura’s Insight about still being single please? I’ve been on a steep spiritual path for the past decade & have done alot of healing work including heartwalls etc. My youngest son is 19 & lives with me, so I used to use that as an excuse. Somehow I just expected to meet my soul-mate quite naturally, but for some reason he hasn’t shown up Laura? I’ve met a few nice men, but very soon I discern they are not the right fit for me. I would love to enjoy being with the right partner again, what’s keeping him away Laura? Thank you & Much Love Diana” ~ Diana, Australia.
“Beautiful Shashi 
Thank you thank you to you both for the amazing call it was uplifting clearing our mind body n soul I could feel the love from our masters n AAA Angels I appreciate them n believe in them Laura’s light language takes to a enchanting place.  Grateful to you Shashi for all you do for us ! Thank you again Mehar “

Shashi responded: “Thank you Mehar. It was amazing, amazing call and activation that Laura brought to us today. A true gift. We are so lucky to have had Laura on our show.  She is going to go on to transform many, many thousands of lives. Thank you thank you for your Love, Heart and continuing support. Much Love Shashi “

Event Title: Laura Hosford: Embody Your Divine Feminine!
Date & Time: Thursday, March 22nd at 4:30 PM Eastern

Here is feedback from the March 16th call:
Sandra Howie,  our first live caller, she said that the Meditation/Activation Laura did was, ” Amazing, I was in Tears! Thank you very much for that.”  she was curious why she was affected by lay lines. Sandra Howie also posted on Facebook: ” Dear Laura thank you so much for that amazing session!! Much Love and Gratitude <3 <3″
Diana our second caller loved the images on Laura’s Special Offer page -these were the images Shashi was guided to for Laura’s page! Diana spoke about her mission as a True Teller and she went on to say why she so highly values Laura classes and why she will be purchasing Laura’s Special Offer.
Pamela wrote in the Q&A box, “Wow, what a beautiful meditation and light language. Thank you

“The Way of Divine Love A Walk With The Divine Feminine”

July 3rd, 2017

“7 Sacred Prayers of Light For The New Earth Angel”

February 13, 2017

Embody Your Soul Light To Embrace Your Ascended Mastery

May 3, 2017

What an amazing call I had yesterday on the Transformation To Joy Global Telesummit and it was so much fun!  I was able to give several mini-readings to audience members and a “surprise” channeling came through me with St. Germaine!  Yesterday was May 1st which is known at May Day in the United Kingdom a holiday for them. May 1st is also celebrated as the day St. Germaine achieved his “ascension” into the higher realms of light.  St. Germaine message was very powerful, clear and moving as he explained the importance for all Lightworkers, Empaths and Healers to step into “anchoring their soul light” into Mother Earth now.
 At the very end of the call Jesus/Sananda, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene also came in to share their loving energies of support for all of us on the Earth now in physical embodiment.
You can still access the replay by clicking on the link below…this call is life changing so I encourage you to listen to the messages of hope and love…..

Bold Radio Meant For More Show 

“Calling All Intuitive Visionaries to Act”

January 23, 2017


“Guiding Souls Into Light Mastery”

August 24, 2016 

Laura Hosford Interview on Bold Radio

“Ascension Guidance”

November 15, 2016