Activate Your Souls Mission And Gifts


In this special session I will open your Akashic Records using the Sacred Prayer of Light then call in your Higher Divine Guidance Team including your Masters, Teachers, Angels and Galactic Star Family to hold an energetic space of unconditional love for your activation.

Then using another special prayer called the “Sacred Creation Circle Prayer” we will align your energy bodies to the Higher Divine Mind of God/Universe, your Christed High Heart and your Divine Will center to Heaven. Next, I will activate your Souls Mission and Divine Soul Blueprint with a Light Language transmission. 

* A transformative energy process designed to activate your unique soul gifts and abilities.

*Open the portal to access the Divine knowledge of your Galactic Star Soul lineage.

*Activate the keys to your DNA codes for new programming.

*Ask your Akashic Records about your spiritual gifts or other questions.

*Mp3 Audio included for you to keep.

55 minute session.  


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