Akashic Records Foundation Class I


Akashic Records Key


Akashic Records Foundation Class I

In this foundational class you will learn how to begin connecting and accessing your personal Akashic Records using a special prayer called the “Akashic Access Prayer”. This prayer received directly from Source has a high vibrational essence of purity and integrity allowing you access to the fifth dimensional realm of consciousness where unique energies may be accessed for personal transformation, healing and development of your spiritual gifts.

You will experience connection with the pure energy of the Akashic Records and your Soul in this class. Begin to understand and know your authentic self at much deeper levels tapping into your own source of wisdom, knowledge and working with your spiritual support team you create consistent connection and flow developing your own intuition, spiritual gifts and ability to heal yourself and transform your life into more joy, peace, happiness and true inner freedom.  

This class is for the seasoned student who is ready to move out of the “seeking mode” and align more directly with their spiritual support team to move into self-mastery of all areas of their life and embody their soul’s destiny.

Class Benefits

*This class will up level your holistic services as a coach, counselor, therapist, massage, artist, Reiki practitioner or any other energy healing modality!

* Learning to work with your Akashic Records brings you into a higher vibration of consciousness for personal healing and transformation of your past and current life.

* Experience a deeper connection and learn to work with your divine team of Masters, Teachers, and Guides.

*Expand your Intuition and expand your healing abilities for yourself, your business or healing practice.

*Learn powerful healing techniques to clear your own blocks and patterns of resistance to move you into more flow of abundance, joy, compassion, grace and prosperity!

*Explore past lives to uncover deeper truths about your unique soul journey, spiritual gifts and for healing.

*Ignite your soul’s destiny and discover your soul mission and purpose work.


Class Details: 

  • Introduction to the Akashic Records including the definition, history, understanding of truth concepts and learning to access your Akashic Records.
  • Learn about the  roles of the Akashic Beings of Light, your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.
  • Review of the TAN prayer and reading guidelines for oneself, opening records exercises and Akashic Applications.
  • A PDF guidebook of practice questions you will complete each week as learn to open your Akashic Records and develop a personal relationship with your divine team.
  • Four audio classes for download with live teaching including class exercises.
  • A 60 minute check in call with Laura to answer your questions, gain guidance and validate your progress. This is for the home study option.
  • Receive a certificate of completion.


This class is offered as a downloadable home study course Or you can take this class “in person” or via zoom video – check schedule for class dates.


Contact Laura Hosford for more information




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