Akashic Records Practitioner Light Certification Class II


Akashic Records Key


Akashic Records Light Certification Practitioner Master Class II

In this foundational class you will learn how to begin connecting and accessing your personal Akashic Records using a special prayer called the Sacred Prayer of Light. This prayer received directly from Source has a high vibrational essence of purity and integrity allowing you access to the fifth/sixth/seventh dimensional realms of consciousness where unique energies may be accessed for personal transformation, healing and development of your spiritual gifts. You will experience connection with the pure energy of the Akashic Records and your Soul in this class. Begin to understand and know your authentic self at much deeper levels tapping into your own source of wisdom, knowledge and working with your spiritual support team you create consistent connection and flow developing your own intuition, spiritual gifts and ability to heal yourself and transform your life into more joy, peace, happiness and true inner freedom. This class is for the serious student who is ready to move into spiritual adulthood embrace their spiritual gifts and walk the path of mastery into a completely healed life ready to serve the New Earth.


Class Benefits

*This class will up level your holistic services as a coach, counselor, therapist, massage, energy healer, Reiki practitioner or any other energy healing modality!

* Learning to work with your Akashic Records brings you into a higher vibration of consciousness for personal healing and transformation of your past and current life.

* Experience connection with your divine team of Masters, Teachers, and Guides.

*Develop your intuition and expand your healing abilities and gifts to serve others with expanded power.

*Learn powerful healing techniques to clear your own blocks and patterns of resistance to move you into more flow of abundance, joy, compassion, grace and prosperity!

*Discover your life path and purpose, special gifts and more!

*Ignite your creativity and ideas for your business!

* Learn to read the Akashic Records for your family, friends or clients!


Class Outline: Total of 8 hours (on-line or in-person options).

*Introduction to the Akashic Records including the definition, history, understanding of truth concepts and learning to access your Akashic Records.

*Connect with and learn about the roles of the Akashic Beings of Light, your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

*Review of the prayer and reading guidelines for others, opening records exercises and Akashic Applications.

*Learn how to read Akashic Records for business, pets, crystals, plants, historic sites.

*Paradigm of Healing and how healing happens with Akashic Records. Learn how to clear your own patterns, blocks and beliefs.

*Explore your special gifts, talents and life path mastery.

*Experience levels of deep self-healing and inner transformation.

*Sacred Prayer of Light and other prayers for access to the Akashic Records.

*A (22 page) PDF workbook of exercises to complete as you record your experiences with the Akashic  Records.

*Bonus 30 minute Akashic Records private session.

*(1) bonus group calls for additional support.

*Certification with The Light Leaders Academy.





Attend In person or via Zoom Video Conference 


Contact Laura Hosford for more information email Lightleadersacademy@gmail.com



Class Testimonials


I had the pleasure of attending the Akashic Record Practitioner Light Certification course in October 2017 with Laura Hosford. The class was phenomenal! It was filled with information, practice activities, excellent materials, resources and the beautiful energy of Laura. The environment was welcoming and soothing to the spirit on all levels. Integrating what I have learned into my current work is something that I am excited about. Laura clearly helped me see how feasible and relevant that will be. Truly there are no words to cover what a fantastic teacher Laura is. I have attended many classes in the past and this was one of the best!  Lisa Thex Psychic/Medium/Pranic Healing Energy Worker

Good morning everyone!

This past weekend I had the pleasure to meet and take the Akashic Records Light Practitioner with Laura Hosford. I have a been a spiritual teacher for almost 20 years, after taking several training and workshops I think I have ‘an eye’ (or a heart) to recognize a good teacher. Laura is one of them! She knows what she is taking and teaching about, most important, she teaches from her heart. When her aura appeared to me it was bright white! I have seen only seldom times an aura like her. The workshop was light and at the same time very profound. She was very patience, clear, professional and humble

I will recommend her workshop in a heart beat! Thank you Laura, it is a blessing to have in my life. Zureya

I took Laura’s Akashic Records Light Certification Class and was amazed by the experience.  Laura quickly leads you through the course material and helps you understand how to connect with the records, how to discern the information you receive, and how to be open to the energies.  I am grateful for her patient guidance and the knowledge I gained through this class.  I highly recommend attending the class to those that are trying to connect and raise their vibration.  Wonderful class and wonderful teacher! With love and gratitude, Jennifer Stone

“This new class material and the new prayer included in the Akashic Records Light Practitioner Course is really awesome. I was certified in the Akashic Records by Laura earlier and decided to retake the class with the new information and prayer. The next day I did a reading. The client loved the information and the new prayer seemed to provide more clarity in accessing the records.” Renee Pedigo

I received so much from this class! I feel so “me” even more. It is incredible the energy I could feel moving through me and through this class. The information was received so well with so much ease and grace. I felt an incredible bump in my connection and abilities as well as a new level of confidence to step into my role on this Earth in this life.  I feel so full of love! Madison Armes

Thank you again for a fascinating and insightful Akashic Records class! You were a wonderful and incredibly helpful guide and teacher and I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. Grace Leigh

Thank you for a wonderful class! The content was excellent and the ability to practice with the class has helped me feel confident and ready to explore the Akashic Records.    Sonya Johnson



2 reviews for Akashic Records Practitioner Light Certification Class II

  1. Laura Hosford

    Laura, thank you for a wonderful class! The content was excellent and the ability to practice with the class has helped me feel confident and ready to explore the Akashic Records! Sonya Johnson

  2. Laura Hosford

    I received so much from this class! I feel so “Me” even more. It is incredible the energy I could feel moving through me and through the class. The information was received so well with so much ease and grace! I felt an incredible bump in my connection and abilities as well as a new level of confidence to step into my role on this Earth in this life. I feel so full of love! Madison Armes

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