Full Moon Goddess Ceremony






Have you been feeling the inner pull of the Goddess in your life? Are you ready to embark on the Path of Goddess Spirituality? Join us on the day of the Full Moon every month to engage in powerful ceremony, and rituals to transform your life into sacred moments of Goddess revelation. The Goddess teaches us that everything is interconnected and the way we live our lives including our beliefs, actions and choices impact every level from a grain of sand to the fate of nations.

Your desire to heal Mother Earth bringing your prayers of peace, balance and harmony into your life and the world are key to becoming part of the “solution” becoming a “evolutionary change agent” for restoring our planet to wholeness for all of humankind. 

Every month we gather with the Goddess to honor the healing energies of the Full Moon, perform ceremony and rituals to Release-Reset-Renew ourselves as we reclaim our authentic state of soul mastery, wholeness, peace, wisdom and joy co-creating a new state of Heaven on Gaia. 

A Replay and download will be available if you miss the live ceremony.




2018 Full Moon Goddess Ceremony Dates


January 1st, 2018 – Full Moon in Cancer

February 1st, 2018 – Full Moon  in Leo and Lunar Eclipse

March 1st, 2018 – Full Moon in Virgo

March 31st, – Full Moon in Libra 

April 29th, 2018- Full Moon in Scorpio

May 29, 2018 – Full Moon in Sagittarius

June 27th, 2018 – Full Moon in Capricorn

July 27th,2018 –  Full Moon in Aquarius and Total Lunar Eclipse

August 26th, 2018 – Full Moon in Pisces

September 24th, 2018 – Full Moon in Aries

October 24th, 2018 – Full Moon  in Taurus

November 22nd, 2018 – Full Moon in Gemini

December 22nd, 2018 – Full Moon in Cancer





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