The Sacred Marriage of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

The Sacred Marriage of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. I received this channeled message today from Jesus also known as Yeshua or Sananda. We are entering into a great period on our planet that was begun two thousand years ago when Jesus and Mary Magdalene came together to model the principle of the “Sacred Marriage”.

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Moving From Loss Into Love

  There is hope there is always hope dear one! Your feelings of loss are gaps in your consciousness awareness in the material plane for growth opportunity to fill  this gap with the purity of your own being of unconditional love is ever present for you at all times! You do not always remember this

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Healing Our Shadow Masculine

Hello Akashic Adventurers! We just finished our July group call and I wanted to share a new process that came through tonight while I accessed my Akashic Records. It was very interesting because it seems while I was “mining” my own Akashic records for an issue that seems “personal” to me I was shown by

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What Makes Me Happy Inside?

This is secret key to finding fulfillment and passion for life I believe. Without this you are a wanderer on the Earth looking for yourself in things, people or places. Does this make sense to you? You are the catalyst for your own happiness and joy wherever you go or do while here on Gaia.

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