What Makes Me Happy Inside?

This is secret key to finding fulfillment and passion for life I believe. Without this you are a wanderer on the Earth looking for yourself in things, people or places. Does this make sense to you? You are the catalyst for your own happiness and joy wherever you go or do while here on Gaia.  Finding your “happy energy.”  Here are some ways I connect to my happy energy during my day. 

  • Focusing on my heart space and finding peaceful calm and stillness inside of me.
  • Teaching and channeling truth!
  • Helping others smile and find their truth and happiness!
  • Writing out my thoughts to uncover and discover my deepest hearts desires in the morning with coffee.
  • Listening to my favorite music wherever I go.
  • Spending time in nature and outdoors especially at the lake or ocean.
  • Spending time with family or friends celebrating life.
  • Tea Parties with friends!
  • Shopping road trip with friends to find treasures!
  • Travel to new places to explore and meet cool peeps!
  • Enjoying the flavor of good food and beverages

I believe the best happiness is found inside of yourself on your internal or eternal plane of existence in knowing your deepest connection to God/Creator/All That Is. The more deeply I connect to my eternal true divine self the happier I become as I bring my unique light and truth expression into the world. So will you join me? Will you begin to live your unique light expression and truth and bring in your “happy energy?” Let’s do it together! I will meet you there!  Be Happy <3

Laura Hosford